Our services

What we offer

Lollipop Speech provides intervention to children by offering comprehensive assessment and therapy to support development in the following areas:

Early communication skills

Late talkers, play skills, turn taking and attention to task

Deaf & Hard of Hearing

We support children who are deaf, or hard of hearing, to support their communication development using a therapy approach that aligns with your family values

Speech & Articulation Therapy

Make clear speech sounds and be understood by others

Language Therapy

Understand what is being said/asked, following instructions and use language to communicate

Literacy Therapy

Recognising sounds and letters, the ability to spell and read. Using the Sounds Write phonics approach

Social & Play Skills

Sharing, taking turns, understanding and interpreting body language and facial expressions, asking and answering relevant questions and understanding social rules. 

where we offer it

We offer services where it suits you:

  • In our clinic at Payneham, or

  • we can come to your home, or

  • visit your child at ELC, kindy or school

We bring all the resources and have a wide range of the latest assessment and therapy tools.

We provide child led, play based therapy to reflect a natural play environment for your little one.